fabricerin: A Tutorial

1. fabric_drawing()

Create a canvas in which the user can draw.


fabric_drawing(cid = "canvas1", 
               cwidth = 400, 
               cheight = 400, 
               cfill = "orange", 
               drawingWidth = 20, 
               gumSize = 10)

You can have many canvas working independently within one document.

fabric_drawing(cid = "canvas2", 
               cwidth = 200, 
               cheight = 200, 
               cfill = "lightblue", 
               drawingWidth = 10, 
               gumSize = 40)

2. fabric_shape()

Creates a canvas in which a defined shape element is included. The shape is positioned according to two elements left and top. Both are set relatively to the canvas.

2.1. Rectangle

fabric_shape(cid = "canvas_Rect", 
             cwidth = 500, 
             cheight = 500, 
             cfill = "lightgreen", 
             shapeId = "rect1", 
             shape = "Rect", 
             left = 200, 
             top = 200)

The user can modify the size, position and rotation of the shape interactively, if you want to disable this feature set the selectable argument to FALSE:

fabric_shape(cid = "canvas_Rect2", 
             cwidth = 500, 
             cheight = 500, 
             cfill = "lightgreen", 
             shapeId = "rect2", 
             shape = "Rect", 
             left = 200, 
             top = 200, 
             selectable = FALSE)

2.2. Circle

fabric_shape(cid = "canvas_circle", 
             cwidth = 500, 
             cheight = 500, 
             cfill = "red", 
             shapeId = "circ", 
             shape = "Circle",
             fill = "yellow",
             radius = 100,
             strokecolor = "green", 
             strokewidth = 2)

2.3. Triangle

fabric_shape(cid = "canvas_Triangle", 
             cwidth = 500, 
             cheight = 500, 
             cfill = "#B4B4D8", 
             shapeId = "tri", 
             shape = "Triangle", 
             left = 150, 
             top = 150, 
             fill = "#D7BC66")

2.4. Polygon

fabric_shape(cid = "canvas_Polygon",
             cwidth = 400, 
             cheight = 400, 
             shapeId = "poly1", 
             shape = "Polygon", 
             top = 200, 
             cfill = "#4E5C68", 
             fill = "#1BDB99",
             xPolygon = c(200, 250, 250, 150, 150), 
             yPolygon = c(10, 50, 180, 180, 50))

3. fabric_text()

Creates a canvas in which a defined text is rendered.

fabric_text(cid = "canvas_text", 
            cwidth = 800, 
            cheight = 100, 
            cfill = "#D769AB", 
            textId = "txt1", 
            text = "You understand that you must wear a mask ?!!", 
            left = 10, 
            top = 10, 
            fill = "blue",
            strokewidth = 0)

4. fabric_image()

Inserts external images within a canvas element.

fabric_image(cid = "cimage", 
             cfill = "#000000", 
             cwidth = 500, 
             cheight = 500,
             imgId = "dplyrhex",
             imgsrc = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rstudio/hex-stickers/master/PNG/dplyr.png",
             imgwidth = 250,
             imgheight = 250)

5. fabric_curtail()

Add a background or an overlay image to a preexisting canvas.

fabric_shape(cid = "canvas_curtail",
              shapeId = "tri1",
              shape = "Triangle",
              fill = "lightblue")
fabric_curtail(cid = "canvas_curtail",
imgsrc = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/R_logo.svg/724px-R_logo.svg.png",
type = "background"

Dr. Mohamed El Fodil Ihaddaden, Ph.D

My research interests include Performance Management, Efficiency Analysis and Experimental Economics.