
Introducing the flipdownr package. Create a CountDown in Rmarkdown Documents and Shiny Apps

The creature packages is aimed for lonely R users. With one line of code, create a cool creature and play with it. There are many …

rintimg is an R wrapper of the intense-images JavaScript library. Using rintimg you can view an image in full screen by clicking on it. …

ggforce is a powerful package that extends heavily the ggplot2 API. In this blog post, I won’t go through all its capabilities, …

Sending Emails should be easier in RMarkdown

Some Gems from R Base

A Tutorial for the fabricerin package

Recently, I’ve created a package called bubblyr that allows you to render nice looking bubbles in Rmarkdown documents and Shiny …

I’ve recently released a new package called fabricerin, now you can insert easily a canvas withing RMarkdown documents and Shiny apps …